
check out what project I have Created

modern Ecommerce Shop smooth design

A modern Ecommerce Shop where user can buy their needed items. great user friendly shop with stripe checkout session

reactjsnextjssanity CMSstripe

A Full stack Note taking App called the app "Daily Notepad"

This is the app i build in subscription base note taking SaaS app where user can easily take their note whatever they want. The best part of this app is UI part. User can select their custom theme and its sync on the database. If user does not subscribe our plan they can not use our services. Its full stack SaaS app

reactjsnextjsshadcnkinde for authstripeshadcn Themesuperbaseprisma ORM

Full Stack AI complete SaaS app

This is the best project and this is the best build. I use all the latest and greatest things to build this application. This is a fully SaaS platform. SaaS means software as a service. In this application users can explore all the greatest AI tools in one platforms make is professional

reactjsnextjsstripeshadcntailwind cssprisma ORMsuperbaseclerk